Food Allergy Solutions in Northfield MN
Food Allergy Solutions in Northfield MN

Once you know which food is causing discomfort, avoiding the food may be the simplest way to reduce the discomfort, but it is not always the easiest way. Some ingredients like wheat, egg, dairy, or food additives can sneak in where you did not expect it. Other food components like the phenolics are shared by a variety of foods, so you may be allergic to a large group of foods because they share the same phenolic group, or protein. Our chiropractic team in Northfield MN wants you to know there are solutions!
Solutions for Food Allergies in Northfield MN
1. Cold Laser Treatment
A tested therapy that uses low level laser energy to gently stimulate the nervous system to reset the hyper-active response to known food allergens. A laser treatment for one group of allergens can be done in 15 minutes and the therapy is completed after one night of good REM sleep. The processing of the nervous system during the night of sleep provides a permanent response to the treatment that is usually effective for life. This therapy has been safe and effective with patients as young as 18 months old.
2. Drop Therapy / Homeopathic Therapy
The drop therapy uses a small quantity of the allergen mixed in water that is placed under your tongue. The body recognizes the allergen and recognizes that the quantity is small and harmless. A frequent schedule of drops is prescribed, so that the body gets used to the allergen and does not create a reactive response. Some drop therapy mixtures will include homeopathic ingredients as well, which are meant to strengthen your body’s immune system and help is respond in a healthy manner.
3. Allergy Shot
This therapy is a form of “immune therapy” that helps the body adjust to regular exposure of the item causing the allergic response. A small quantity of the item is injected into your body on a weekly or monthly schedule until your body sees the item as “normal” and no longer creates the hyper-active response. Allergy shots may be scheduled for up to 5 years for some treatments.
4. Elimination Plan
This plan simply makes a priority of eliminating from your lifestyle the item that causes irritation. Sometimes this is the simplest way to take care of the problem. An elimination diet may be used for a period of 3 months to 2 years to help your body heal from any inflammation caused by the allergic response. After a period of elimination, a food group may be slowly introduced again to evaluate how the body responds.
You can find the best solution to resolve the food allergy that is making life miserable. At Cram Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we can help you find the allergy relief in Northfield you desire. We have helped hundreds of people over the last 10 years find lasting relief from food allergies, pollen allergies, and environmental allergies. Contact our chiropractic team today to start your relief as soon as possible.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Cram Chiropractic
& Wellness Center
158 Water Street North
Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 663-1972