Food Allergy Testing in Northfield MN

Food Allergy Testing in Northfield MN

Family cared for by chiropractic team at Cram Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Northfield MN

You suspect a food allergy, but you are not sure which food may be generating discomfort. Food allergies can create a variety of responses. These responses can be immediate after eating or they could be delayed for a few days after eating. Sometimes a combination of foods will generate discomfort. Finding out which food is stimulating the problem is a great solution to reducing stress and helping the body to be ready for other health challenges. Our chiropractic team in Northfield wants you to understand the options out there to help you get the answers you deserve.

Food Allergy Testing Options in Northfield MN

Here are the current ways available to test for food allergies:

1. Biofeedback Analysis

This method is the least expensive and most complete analysis of possible food allergens. An individual will have two clips placed on two separate fingers creating an electrical circuit with the computer. The computer will analyze nerve responses to different frequencies representing various food items. No stimulation is felt during this evaluation, but the computer will be able to pick up the significant food responses. More than 400 different food items can be evaluated in one session. The analysis includes vitamins, minerals, fats, oils, grains, dairy, egg, nuts, phenolics, hormones, and food additives. Learn more about our latest technology in the treatment of allergy symptoms in Northfield.

2. Skin Prick Test

Allergy testing in Northfield MNThe skin prick test measures the level of reaction to a specific food group when a small item of that food on the end of a pin is placed under your skin. This test is measuring how much your immune system has built up a reaction force to a certain food. If you are allergic to this food, your body has already prepared a higher level of defense to this food, so the prick on the skin will swell up like a blister or even worse. This test can produce “false positives,” which means a blister forms, but you are not really allergic to that food item. However, the test can be an effective way to identify what the food allergy might be.

3. Blood Test

A blood test can be completed to evaluate what defenses in your blood have already been developed by your body against certain foods. This test can be helpful to identify food items that generate an allergic reaction after 24 hours. The blood draw will be sent to a lab for analysis and you will typically get the results back in a couple weeks. Frequently, the test results will return with a recommendation for the foods that are “safe” to eat, the foods that are a caution, and the foods that should be avoided. The blood test can produce some “false positives,” resulting in a recommendation to avoid a certain food that may not be the primary problem. However, this test can be an effective way to generate a diet plan to help guide the elimination process. Learn more about blood testing here.

You can find the best solution to resolve the food allergy that is making life miserable. At Cram Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we can help you find the relief you desire. We have helped hundreds of people in Northfield MN over the last 10 years find lasting relief from food allergies, pollen allergies, and environmental allergies. Contact our experienced team today to start your relief as soon as possible!


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Cram Chiropractic
& Wellness Center

158 Water Street North
Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 663-1972